
On Startups

Last Updated: 4/8/24

The rules change all the time

Fundamental wisdom: pick good partners, understand your customer, and maintain a beginner’s mind

Avoid those that give ultimatums

If anyone claims there’s a certain way, avoid

Your first users ideally are your friends. If not, become friends with them

Parkinson’s law - time constraints - is a very useful tool

Do not underestimate a good late night work session

Meditate to clear your mind

Walk to activate your mind

Write to synthesize insights

The best business models are positive sum

Capital and the VC signaling is never the goal. Positive impact is the goal

Positive impact can be a small as 1 user or as big as the universe

Positive impact starts internally. Be the version that you are proud of. Then the outputs somehow align

Continuously reflect if you want to learn something

Be aware of hive mind tendencies & mimetic traps. Also known as the matrix

In the silence between thoughts, strategy emerges. Value the introspective pauses